Before you jump into the world of real estate rehab, you MUST know and understand your “why”. And if I didn’t challenge you to do this step, it wouldn’t be worth of your time. Below are questions to get you started in realizing what your “reason”, “purpose”, or “why” is, AND if it is big enough to sustain your efforts in the real estate rehab space.
What you’re about to embark upon is highly risky and emotionally challenging. It takes someone with great courage, self-motivation, and a high tolerance for financial volatility to scale through it.
Too many people have entered the real estate space with much zeal to only be discouraged by others close to them who just didn’t get it. For this reason, you must own your “why”.
I don’t mean to belabor this point, but I do. People closest to you, inexperienced and/or uneducated in real estate, can sabotage your real estate ambitions, intentionally or not.
It’s all about the “Why” unintentionally. Some people in your sphere of influence will not understand why you are taking this financial risk and will try to get you to abandon your “why”. But that’s okay. This is not their journey, IT’S yours!