When I think about rehab, I closely relate the development to that of the human body. It’s as if God gave us a model to guide us through the rehab process. With just a brief stretch of the imagination, one can correlate the human body’s structure to that of a house. Each one has a frame (skeletal), that is layered with elements—insulation & interior walls vs. fat & muscle, electrical system vs. central nervous system, HVAC system vs. respiratory system, plumbing system vs. circulatory system, and house wrap (exterior walls) vs. skin. And each of these components is necessary for proper function and completion. House
Framing vs. Skeleton: page15image42076816

Just as the skeletal system helps determine the shape and sturdiness of the body, house framing determines the interior design of the house as well as its durability to handle the layers of building materials (i.e. roof, insulation, drywall, house wrap). 

Additionally, the larger bones in the body—femur, tibia, fibula, and spine—correlate to what’s known as the roof truss (support the weight of the roof) and bearing walls (transfers the weight of upper floors and roof to the foundation) which help hold the structure erect while connecting to the joists and studs. Coupled with a solid foundation, the framework of the house is the most important component of the rehab process. 

Windows & Doors: Just as the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth give access to the mind, body, and soul of a person and must be guarded, windows & doors give people and external elements access to the interior of the house and should be made secured for protecting the resident, structure, and value. 

Insulation, Interior Walls & House Wrap (Siding, Brick, etc.): These, like the body’s fat, muscle, and skin, work together to regulate the house’s temperature, making it both efficient and comfortable while protecting it from external natural elements (i.e. rain, snow, wind, hail, sun,). 

Electrical System: The central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) serves as a conduit for signals between the brain and the rest of the body in which the body responds to. In a house, the electrical system which includes incoming power lines, an electric meter, a service panel, subpanels, household wiring, electrical boxes, receptacles (outlets), switches, provide the electricity or power that is required to operate appliances, lights, HVAC, etc. It brings life to the house. 

HVAC System: Each housing structure circulates (breathes) air via the HVAC system, just as the respiratory system circulates oxygen (via air) through the body. 

Plumbing System: Like the digestive track in the body, the plumbing system steers water and waste through the house. 

Working Capital: As the life of the body desperately depends on the constant circulation of the blood throughout the body, working capital is needed to sustain the life of the rehab project. Without it, the project dies. The Roof: Let’s say the roof is the hair on the house. The color or style of the hair may reflect the mood or personality of the person. And so it is with a house. The type of roofing material selected, often depends on the taste of the owner and/or the geographical location and climate of the property’s location.